Name: FRANK-AUTHERIED, Hedy (1902–1979)
Musical genre: Chamber Music, Choral Music, Opera/Musical Theatre/Dance/Stage, Vocal Music/Art Songs, Solo Instrument
Country of birth: Austria
Country of location: Austria
  Hedy Frank-Autheried studied at the Vienna Academy, but when she wanted to enter Richard Stöhr’s composition class he refused to take her, arguing that it would be impossible to have one lady among his male students. Some years later, having married Ferdinand Frank, she was able to complete her composition studies with Camillo Horn, a pupil of Bruckner. Horn considered her one of his most gifted students.
Her large output of 239 works includes 70 melodramas, choral works, piano sonatas and other piano pieces, works for violin and piano, lieder and chansons.
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