Tímea Dragony studied at the Zoltán Kodály Elementary School of Music and was a member of the famous CANTEMUS children's choir which travelled all over the world to give concerts. After this she went to the secondary school of music to study piano and music theory and composition. In 1997 she was accepted at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music to study composition. She was a student of György Orbán composer, graduating with 'Summa Cum Laude' as a composer and music theory teacher in 2002.
From 2004-2004 her composer activity is supported by the Academie Musicale de Villecroze./Fance/ From 2011 she is a music director of a Battsányi - Cserhát Artist Group. Awards: MÜPA Composition competition, 2020– symphonic orchestra prize „Arany János” Competition,/vocal – string orchestra category/ 2018 - 2. prize National ballet music Competition, 2014 – winner /from 59 composer/ Cserhát Art Society, 2010 – Hungarian „Art” – Grand prize Cserhát Art Society, 2009 – Hungarian Culture – Grand prize IKZE” Ligeti-prize”, 2008: 1.prize Kincses Compositional Award /Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music/2000: 1.prize Kincses Compositional Award /Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music/ 2001: 2.prize Zoltán Kodály Compositional Award, /Kodály Institute,Kecskemét/1999:3.prize Scholarships: 2002-2004: She was supported by the Academie Musicale de Villecroze /France/ 2003, 2004, 2005: Zoltán Kodály Composition Grant Languages: English, Spanish.
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